If you ask around the Andale community what makes Andale a great school they would say the students, but what makes Andale great? Well I took the task of finding that out. I decided to interview the person that makes that possible.. Mrs. Shack. Mrs. Shack became the principal of Andale in the school year of 2018 taking on a big role which is the responsibility of us, the students.
I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Shack to get a better understanding of what she does as principal. One of the most important things about being a principal is how you motivate students to do better in and out of school, during sports events, and even at home. I wanted to know what Mrs. Shack does to motivate students, so I asked and she responded with ” Each student is unique and finding what motivates individuals is only figured out once you build a relationship with them. It is vital that students know that I have their best interests in mind and that I am in their corner.”
Every year we get new students coming in from different schools to attend Andale. As students come in you really never know how a student’s behavior is and how it’s going to change as they find new friends, and get introduced to new things. Mrs. Shack stated ” I really have not seen a drastic change in behavior over the last few years. We have great kids that come from homes that have high expectations and that ultimately sets the tone for students behavior.”
All principals get faced with challenges everyday whether it be with students, or even staff. Asking Mrs. Shack what the biggest problem she has faced so far, and how she was able to overcome it, she responded with ” Remote learning was awful but I’d rather not focus on that! One of the biggest challenges has been trying to figure out how to help students navigate all of the distractions that exist for them. Social media is up there on the list but ultimately, the influx of vapes has been the biggest challenge. I think continued education on the dangers that surround any type of substance usage is important.”
As we all know Andale has been modeled to create great students but how does that happen? Not everyone is perfect and misbehavior is bound to happen when around your friends. Wanting to know from a principal what Andale does to prevent misbehavior Mrs. Shack responded ” I think constant reminders and modeling of what good behavior looks and sounds like is huge. Again, I go back to expectations. I often hear teachers/adults say, “We don’t do that at Andale”
With the many students we have coming in and out of school and classes teachers and staff may have different views on what a ” standout student ” is. To me, a standout student at AHS is someone who is academically engaged, involved in school activities, and walks the talk! I want students who represent our school and community on and off the field, on stage, on the court, etc. If we have students who are not doing the right thing, that diminishes our long-standing reputation that has been established. ”
Just from this interview it has given me a better understanding on how big of a role Mrs.Shack really has, it has taught me that Mrs. Shack and even the staff here really have the most important role. These people shape us for the future and we all should just take a moment and really appreciate what they have done for us.