What’s Your School Lacking Survey
We are asking students or teachers to fill out this form about what they think should be added or changed within their schools. So far we have asked Andale Middle School, Colwich Middle School, St. Marks Middle School, and Garden Plain Middle School.
The reason why this form matters is because students and staff opinions matter. Research says that schools that allow students to share their input on decisions are most likely to have a better learning environment. Students would also be more prideful and proud of their school because they know that they had a say in how to make their school a better place.
One example could be vending machines because students get very hungry throughout the day and that can affect their learning. Through this article my hope is that this can reach future administrators and teachers and that the student requests can be considered for the future.
Isabel • Aug 30, 2023 at 7:12 pm
The 2022 and 2023 school year was a change in lunch, we switched our supplier. Now, every Wednesday, we have a chicken patty, my request is that we have less chicken patties and bring back the delicious, homemade Stromboli.
Ali • Aug 30, 2023 at 5:38 pm
The vending machines please