Former Andale Indians Tegan Orth and Noah Bruce have now completed their first season as a Butler Grizzly in their respective football program. Tegan and Noah both pursued their original positions at Butler CC that they played while at Andale High School. Tegan plays defensive back and gets to be apart of the special team unit. Noah plays TE/ H-back.
Both Tegan and Noah said they enjoyed Friday Night Lights way better because the atmosphere is consistently the best plus you get to play with all your buddy’s that you grew up with. Tegan’s daily schedule as a Butler Grizzly Football player consists of Breakfast check at 7:30 every morning following with class from 8 to 11 A.M. Orth then heads to watch film from 11:30 to 12:30 with lifting that follows on Tuesdays and Thursday. Football practice starts at 3 P.M. and typically finishes around 5:15. Orth also mentioned that after practice there are typically team meetings.
As for Noah Bruce one of his biggest adjustment to Butler Football was his weight and football knowledge for his first season. Bruce also has continued to get faster and stronger, but having to do football basically all day has to be the biggest adjustment. As far as travel, Bruce mentioned that Iowa Central was their longest
Orth and Bruce are both going to finish their two years at Butler CC. Orth will graduate with an Associates in Business, and Bruce will graduate with an Associates in Construction Science. One of the things both AHS former football players and graduates have enjoyed the most is the relationships they have developed with all the new players and students at Butler CC from all over, and the coaches that care for them more just the player they are but care about them as a person.