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You may be asking yourself, “Why would I want a job on top of school?” Many high school students have jobs. It is good to have a job in high school because it provides you with a source of income that you can save for future purchases or spend on things you want now like gas, clothes, and entertainment. A job can make you more independent, as you will rely less on your parents to pay your expenses. It will also make you responsible for managing your time, money, and quality of work. Working part-time in high school also has lots of benefits later down the road. It strengthens your resumes for colleges and careers, teaches you important life skills, and, if you find the right job, can give you valuable experience for your future career. The problem is, many teens don’t know where to begin when searching for a job that works for their schedule and restrictions. Many students are involved in sports and activities, or are confused about the child labor laws that apply to them. To solve this issue, Renwick Review has made a list of local businesses that are hiring high school students, and information on how to secure a position there.
1. Air Capital Marketplace
Air Capital Marketplace is a consignment/auction business located at 321 Main St. Andale, KS. They will hire and train anyone 14 years of age or older. They currently and in the past have had AHS students working for them. The schedule is very flexible and you can choose which days of the week you work and for how long. This is a very accommodating job for someone who may have after school sports or activities. They are mainly looking for people to take pictures of auction items and write descriptions of auction lots. When asked about her job, Air Capital Marketplace employee, Katie Thorpe, said,”I like that I get to work with my current friends and also make new ones.” The starting pay is $10/hour. For more information on this job, call Brad Raple at (316)-364-0039.
2. St. Marks Ball Club
St. Marks Ball Club is a non-profit organization that provides officials for youth sports games in the area. They hire high school students to referee youth baseball, softball, and basketball. They will start looking for officials in the beginning of May to work the baseball and softball season from mid-May through June. Games are usually Monday-Friday at 6 p.m. or later. This job would be good for those that have some experience in sports, and those that have their evenings free in the summer. When asked what she likes about her job, St. Marks Ball Club official, Abbey McNeal said,”I like the financial freedom that having a job gives me.” The pay ranges from $20-$30 per game depending on age division. If you’re interested in being an official this summer, contact Mike McSwaney at (316)-617-6170.
3. Getaway Lounge
Getaway lounge is a bar and grill restaurant on 428 Main St. in Garden Plain, KS. People around Garden Plain enjoy visiting the Getaway Lounge to watch sports games, see live music, or just to grab a warm meal. They are open from 11 AM to 10 PM on weeknights and 11 AM to 2 AM on Friday and Saturday. The restaurant is open from 4 PM-9 PM. They are looking to hire and are willing to employ anyone 14+. If you are under 18, however, you are only allowed to work until about 7 p.m according to child labor laws in the state of Kansas. This job would be well suited to those in the Garden plain area that aren’t involved in very many time consuming activities. To see about getting a job here, call Getaway Lounge at (316)-535-5002.
4. Farmers Co-op
Farmers Co-op is a company that has eleven different locations around Kansas. The Farmers Co-op office is at 404 N Main St. in Garden Plain, KS. They are hiring people 16 years of age and older to do general office work at their Garden Plain location, and will be hiring those 18+ to help when the harvesting season comes around later this year. Farmers Co-op is open on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This job would be a good fit for those with no after school activities that are interested in agriculture and/or nature. You can inquire about a job by calling their office at (316)-535-2291.
5. The Keg
The Keg is a sports bar and grill on 130 E Chicago Avenue in Colwich, KS. The Keg has been around for almost 20 years. Locals enjoy going there for good food/drinks, lawn games, live music, and to watch sports games. They are accepting applications from those 14+ to work in the kitchen only. People 18+ are allowed to work in the front and serve drinks/food to customers. The Keg is open from 3 PM-11 PM on Monday, 11 AM-10 PM on Tue-Wed, 11 AM-11 PM on Thursday, and 11 AM- 2 AM Fri-Sat. They close on Sundays. I would recommend this job to those that have more free time on the weekends and evenings. For more information on how to apply for work at The Keg, call their number, (316)-796-0384.
As you can see, there are many businesses in the area that are able and willing to hire high school students. If you don’t feel like any of the jobs listed here are well suited to you, that’s okay! The first step to getting a job is research, so get out there and find a job that is a good fit for your interests and schedule. For more information on child labor laws in the state of Kansas, visit The Kansas Department of Labor’s website. If you or your business is looking to hire, contact Renwick Review at [email protected] so we can get that information on our website.