Nich Winter delivered some highly anticipated words about this coming track season. Nich Winter is a senior at Andale High School. He has ran cross country for four years and track for four years counting this season. Nich Winter is the senior class president and has never lost an election.
One of the things Nich is doing to prepare for the upcoming season is taking time to work with a trainer, as well as compete in indoor meets. Winter believes with preparation that they have another chance at competing for a state championship. Winter is hoping that they can score more points this year through relays and hopefully the distance team as well.
One of the things we all understand as an athlete is that we must constantly compete and push ourselves at practices. One of those people who push Winter the most is Luke Kuhn. Winter believes he pushes him the most because they are similar in speed and pushes me to do more when I’m starting to fall behind.
Next I asked him who his favorite coach was. Winter replied, ” I plead the fifth.¨
One of Winter’s favorite track meets is ¨Pre-State because there is good competition¨ said Winter.
As for Nich’s pre-meet routine. Winter told me, “I try to read my Bible on the ride there, I will listen to Christian music on the way there too. Then I use the bathroom twice before my race. I will also pray with the team before the race, and then take a big jump before the race.¨
One of the questions I quizzed Winter on was how he’s got to where he is. Winter replied, “My first two years of track I kind of put everything on myself to be good, but these last two years, I’ve been putting my faith in God, and I’ve been more successful.¨
As the upcoming season approaches us Winter said “This is my last high school season, I’ve been working a lot harder I chose not to go out for basketball to focus on running. I’ve got a trainer who has prepared me and believes in me. I also joined an indoor track team and they push me.¨ All of these will hopefully lead Nich to achieving his goals. One of the notable differences Nich believes is that they will have spent more time together as a distance team compared to last year. Where as last year it was only three weeks of preparation leading up to the start of the first meet.

Winter sounds very pumped about the upcoming track season. He is running almost everyday trying to prepare for the season. Winter hopes to have a chance at the state title in the 800 meter run this year. Last year he went to state, but things did not go as planned.
As always we encourage everyone to come cheer on your Andale track team this year.