March for Life occurred on January 24, 2025. The March for Life is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people, and children from all across the country. Every year, tens of thousands of pro-lifers cover Washington D.C and march on the Capitol Hill on the anniversary of the Supreme Court 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which legalized abortions in all 50 states.
The March for Life is not just a protest but a celebration of life and a call to action for individuals and policymakers to recognize the value of every human being. One of the goals of March for Life is to bring attention to the pro-life cause and educate the public about the value of human life from conception to natural death. It also serves to provide a platform for pro-life organizations to share their resources, services, and support networks with the public. Participant and Garden Plain sophomore, Emiline Stuhlsatz, said, “The best part of the trip was the people around me. Being able to laugh with them and have fun while doing something so important. The late night talks about everything made it truly worth it.”
Another goal of the march is to honor lives lost and offer a space for healing and reflection for those affected. The March for Life was founded by Nellie Gray in 1974, just one year after the Roe v. Wade decision. Gray, a lawyer and a pro-life advocate, was deeply moved by the ruling and decided to organize a peaceful demonstration to voice opposition to the decision. The first march drew about 20,000 participants, and it has grown significantly over the years, with recent marches attracting hundreds of thousands of people.
The march also includes efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade and to promote legislation that restricts or eliminates abortion. It also aims to raise public awareness about the value of life and to educate people on the scientific and ethical reasons for being pro-life. Additionally, it seeks to support and promote alternatives to abortion, such as adoption and pregnancy support services.
The March for Life features a variety of events and activities designed to engage and inspire participants. Stuhlsatz said “I was motivated [to attend] because of my family. Seeing how much they truly enjoyed this trip in past years and how it impacted them made me truly feel that experience. This was my first March for Life, but I would definitely attend this again. I encourage others to go.”
GP sophomore, Adeline Helten, also attended the march and said her favorite part was “Going on the night tours and seeing the Abraham Lincoln and Vietnam memorials. I also just like the view of Washington D.C. with the capital building and the White House.”
A typical march day begins with a rally on the National Mall, where pro-life leaders, politicians, and activists deliver speeches. These speeches often highlight personal stories, legislative updates, and calls to action. Following the rally, participants march from the Nation Mall to the steps of the Supreme Court, carrying signs and chanting slogans in support of life. Along the route, there are often moments of prayer and reflection. The speakers for this year’s march included: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; U.S Congressman Chris Smith; Bethany Hamilton, professional surfer, mother, and pro-life advocate; Dr. Catherine Wheeler, Obstetrician; Josiah Presley, Abortion Survivor; Lila Rose, President of Live Action; Beverly Jacobson, CEO of Mama Bear Care; and Jennie Bradley Lichter, President-Elect of the March for Life.