Garden Plain is known throughout the community for their successes athletically, but very few members of the community notice the excellent work our teachers do. Kody Kasselman, principal of Garden Plain High School, was asked a simple question: What teachers in our building are going above and beyond for students? In a repetitive job like teaching, it can become hard to keep students engaged and excited to learn. These teachers do an excellent job of building an environment that encourages kids to strive for their best.
Mr. Kasselman said one teacher that goes above and beyond is Mrs. Daerr, a science teacher in the high school. One of her students, senior Brady Brack, said, “I appreciate how much she cares about kids, and is always willing to take time out of her day to help us. No student’s questions ever go unanswered, and the classroom environment is inviting to students, as Mrs. Daerr creates her own fun way to teach.” Another student said, “I feel like the relationships she builds with her students help her connect with us on a personal level, and shows how much she cares.” In her 25th year of teaching, and year 20 at Garden Plain, she is one of the most impactful teachers in the building. Outside of school, Mrs. Daerr is the sponsor for prom and in charge of class officers, and plays a big role in making each prom successful. Mrs. Daerr said, “I like to build relationships with students, because it makes kids feel valued and every day special. A job is simply a job, the most important part is the relationships you build. What’s the point of teaching if you don’t have relationships with your students?”
Another teacher Kasselman pointed out was Mr. Rockers, who teaches photo imaging and other graphic design classes. Rockers has been teaching at Garden Plain for 26 years, and has had an impact on students both as a teacher and as a coach. This year, he coached his first year of volleyball, and was a big addition to the team. Fellow teacher and head volleyball coach Gina Clark had many things to say, such as how helpful he has been as an assistant coach, learning the game and creating a fun atmosphere for the girls team. As a teacher, she gave credit to his work ethic and how he always goes above and beyond for students. Rockers coached high school track, leading Garden Plain to several big state performances. As a teacher, he ensures each student feels valued and important, as well as building positive relationships with each student who enters his classroom. He said, “It’s important to build relationships with your students. Creating these positive connections as a teacher can help students feel more inclined to learn and give their best effort each day. A teacher is one person who can easily make an impact on a kid’s life, and I know the importance of understanding and caring for each of my students.”
The last teacher Mr. Kasselman named was Ms. Clark, who teaches Success 101 and several business and career classes. Success 101 is a class specifically designed for freshman students, and teaches them the skills they need to succeed in both high school and life. She is also the varsity volleyball coach at the high school, recording 742 wins in her career. Students enjoy being in her class for a number of reasons, none more than how fun and inclusive she is, making each student feel important. Ms. Clark said, “Success comes in different forms and sizes, and it’s a great feeling to celebrate those accomplishments, whether big or small, with my students.”
Garden Plain should not only be recognized for their athletic success, but their success academically should be noted as well. Dedicated teachers like Mrs. Daerr, Mr. Rockers, and Ms. Clark play a crucial role in making each student feel valued and encouraged to learn. These teachers’ goals are to create an environment that kids want to learn in, and feel free of judgement. They prioritize building relationships with their students, and provide unwavering support and encouragement. Garden Plain is home to some of the best teachers in the area, and beyond the school’s athletic success, academic success is also a special feature about the school that often goes unnoticed.