The cast list for “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” released this week! To celebrate, let’s take a look at the history of the show and what the plot is and why the Andale Drama department decided to pick this show for their 2025 spring season!
“You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” started it’s life as a comic strip, “Peanuts”. Peanuts is very well known in today’s world and has spawned many iconic characters such as Snoopy, Lucy and Linus van Pelt, and Charlie Brown himself. The musical was first produced on March 7th, 1967 at Theatre 80 in East Village, New York. The musical is about two hours in length, with a 15 minute intermission. The show was an instant success and ran for over 1,000 performances. Even the families of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon attended the show at Theatre 80. Today, the show is still being performed and is one of the most popular musicals in Broadway history.
You’re a good man Charlie Brown” is a comedy musical that follows our main character, Charlie Brown, doing his everyday activities. He struggles with trying to figure out what it means to be a “good man”. The show also follows his romantic struggles, his inability to fly a kite and much more. Other characters, such as Lucy, Linus, Sally, Woodstock also appear in the musical and have many problems of their own.
I had a discussion with Mr. Hall, the drama teacher at Andale High School. I first asked him what made him and the drama department select “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” as their spring musical. He replied “We wanted to do a more family friendly show for the spring season in contrast to Chicago. I also wanted to do a show that I know we have the kids for, and has a smaller cast”. I also asked how he decides how to cast people in certain roles, and if he has a mental image of who he wants to play which part. His response was “I go into the casting process with as little preconceived ideas as possible. I think it is fair this way. I want to see what the student brings to the role, and after seeing everyone’s take, the stars align and I am able to pick who I want for each role.” All in all, the AHS drama department is excited to bring this classic musical to life.
Works Cited
Fleischmann, Laura. “Charlie Brown Makes His Stage Debut at Theatre 80, March 7, 1967 – Village Preservation.” Village Preservation – Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, 20 July 2020, www.villagepreservation.org/2019/03/07/charlie-brown-makes-his-stage-debut-at-theatre-80-march-7-1967/. Accessed 27 Jan. 2025.
Baker, Rebecca M. “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” DigitalCommons@Cedarville, digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/theatre_productions/6/#:~:text=The%20original%20version%20of%20You,smash%20and%20ran%201%2C547%20performances. Accessed 27 Jan. 2025.