John Bloomquist
The Garden Plain Elementary and Middle School teachers try to help their students by offering different activities to make learning enjoyable for the students. If the students had to sit at their desks all day and listen to instructions, they would become very bored. That’s one reason GPE offers many activities and opportunities for students to learn outside of the classroom. These activities include: Spelling Bees, Read Across America, Battle of the Books, and Academic Day.
Garden Plain’s Derek Tracy, seventh grader, went eleven rounds at the Sedgwick County Spelling Bee to finish in second place.
Read Across America was celebrated March 2-6. It calls for every child to celebrate reading. The kindergartners at GPE listened to Dr. Randy Watson, Kansas Commissioner of Education, read a Dr. Seuss book during his visit on March 3.
Battle of the Books is another great opportunity for GPE students. Ms. Sarah Tracy, BOB Sponsor, said, “The team complemented each other well, bringing out each other’s strengths.” Being a part of the BOB team means constant practice to be prepared for competitions.
Middle school students also participate in Academic Day which is a great experience for students provided by the Central Plains Middle School League (CPMSL). Middle School activities director, Brendon Rolfs said, “It is a day that allows them the opportunity to compete in a unique way. It takes the setting from a field or court and puts it in the classroom. Sports equipment is replaced with tools and instruments. Critical and creative thinking wins the day.”
Mrs. Anne Weber, GPE physical education teacher, uses a variety of activities to keep the students motivated. Students recently completed and really enjoyed the roller skating unit. They also do Jump for Heart for the American Heart Association Challenge with the donations going toward education and research. Ms. Weber said, “The middle school students have also worked on their bowling skills and have learned how to manually score, while the younger grades learn about colors, math facts, and teamwork.” Other games played include archery, badminton, and the use of pedometers.
The students who participate in these activities enjoy competing against their peers, while learning at the same time. The activities along with daily instruction, assignments, and tests help the students advance in their learning. GPE is fortunate to have teachers, administrators, and sponsors that guide and promote these groups and events.