On Friday September 6, Garden Plain’s FFA Animal Science class went on a trip to the Kansas State Fair. There, they showcased their model livestock facilities. The Animal Science students made these models in class and they took a week to construct. They entered these models in a competition, and each student came up with their own original design. Along with their model enclosure, they brought leather field journals that they also made in class to take notes about the enclosures while they were there.
According to one of the Animal Science students, Hank Lilly, “The models were judged on efficiency of your design, not the capacity or use of materials.” When asked about the considerations when making these enclosures, Lilly stated, “ You have to make sure that there is space for the cattle to stay when there is extreme weather, a cow catcher, and space to load the livestock on a trailer.”
Garden Plain takes pride in their agriculture classes and they are involved in many events such a this one. The Kansas State Fair was one of many events that occur in this program.