Trick-Or-Treating has been around for a long time dating all the way back to the 16th century. Trick-Or-Treating can be very fun but can also be dangerous. There are many precautions that you should take into mind when Trick-Or-Treating or being a parent. As Trick-Or-Treaters you need to be visible, many things can help you be seen such as putting some reflective tape on your shoes, bags, or your costume. You can also carry flashlights or wear glow sticks.
While Trick-Or-Treating try to stay on the sidewalk, the bigger the group the better as it’s easier to see more people. If you are Trick-Or-Treating in an unfamiliar area make sure to have other people in your group or your parents at all times. As for parents walk up to the door with your children if it’s an unfamiliar area. Another point to keep in mind is to determine a clear route for Trick-Or-Treating.
You also need to take extra precautions on Halloween and look out for people on the road when you’re driving. Make sure to be aware of your surroundings and be a cautious driver. Distracted driving continues to put others around us at risk, so do your part to keep others safe! Although there are lots of things that could go wrong, Halloween is supposed to be fun, but keep in mind what you need to be doing for your own safety
Originally Halloween was a harvest at the end of the year where everyone dressed up and lit bonfires to scare away the “ghosts”. The first Jack O’Lantern was made from turnips not pumpkins. They switched to pumpkins because they were better suited for carving and were common in the area. Did you know that people first started making Jack O’Lanterns to scare away wondering jacks soul?
We hope everyone had a SAFE and happy Halloween!