Track participants at St. Marks don’t have the most usual tracks. St. Marks track has a lot of silent fans. The silent fans give us hope in the events we do so that is why we do well in our events. Some workouts we do for different events include running a mile around the cemetery, pull runs with a band and a partner, and also interval training that involves walking for fifty meters, jog for fifty meters, and run for a hundred meters. We also have used the cemetery to do our mile run for P.E. for times. Approximately two laps around the cemetery equals a mile instead of running four laps on a traditional track.
One of the downfalls of not running on a track and gravel instead is the high
risk of ankle injuries. In order to lower the chances of the track runners getting hurt athletes are encouraged to wear tennis shoes with thicker soles. With the limitations of not having a track St. Mark’s athletes and coaches make do with creativity including jumping into a pit of sand on the playground from a rubber surface for triple and long jump. High jump athletes practice by using a mat inside the gym with improvised standards and cross bar. As for hurdles athletes practice on hurdles both inside and outside. Throwers utilize a baseball field and backdrop as well as a cement pad for shot footwork. While it takes a lot of improvising St. Mark’s athletes and coaches make do with what they have.
Over all St.Mark’s track team practices are a little different than other schools since we don’t have a track. St.Marks still makes it work even though they have to move things around since all of the events aren’t in the same place. Even though they don’t have a track they still have a very consistent season.