Mrs. Simon and Mrs. Klausmeyer are both third grade teachers at St. Marks Elementary. This is their third year of teaching at St. Marks. They enjoy being third grade teachers because they love to be around the students and enjoy teaching them new things. The way that Mrs. Klausmeyer and Mrs. Simon communicate with the parents about any concerns with the students, is by sending weekly emails to the parents with classroom updates and open communication lines.

Both Klausmeyer and Simon say that each other are wonderful teaching partners to have. They constantly talk about the classroom and ways they can make changes on a regular basis. As teachers, they try to balance the work load between each other so that one teacher isn’t doing all the work. Mrs. Klausmeyers advise to anyone who has a teaching partner is that you have to constantly be in communication with one another to find ways that work best for each of your teaching styles as well as to build off each other’s strengths. Mrs. Simon’s advice to teaching partners is to focus on the strengths and trust the other partner with their strengths. Taking the time to reflect with one another is also very crucial to a strong partnership as well as being willing to take chances but also agreeing to disagree to try your own ideas. The reason that Mrs. Klausmeyer wanted to become a elementary teacher is because she loves to work with the elementary school students, but Mrs. Simon said that she wanted to be a teacher because she

had already been a 2nd and 5th grade. Mrs. Simon also said that she thought it would be close to teaching 2nd graders. They both enjoy being 3 grade teachers, but they have different reasons why they like to teach 3rd graders. Mrs. Klausmeyer enjoys being a 3rd grade teacher because she likes to work with the age range and different personalities. Mrs. Simon enjoys being a 3rd grade teacher because of the confidence that they have as a student, wanting to learn to build up from there.